This Bootcamp Will Teach You to Master Facebook Marketing as a Real Estate Agent
What you get TODAY...
- 8 Modules of Facebook Training specific to Real Estate Agents
JUST RELEASED - Everything is Up-to-date for 2017!- You will be a Master at using Personal Accounts, Groups, and Business Pages to promote your real estate business
- You will have a Posting Strategy with Tons of Content Examples and Sources so you know what to post
- You will see how to LOWER COSTS and INCREASE LEADS using Facebook Ads
- Plus there are adavanced tips and tricks, and lots more that you won't find anywhere else!
- 30 video lessons with hours of video you can watch at your own pace
- Perfect for all levels of Facebook and marketing experience - advanced, moderate, and absolute beginners!!
- Complete access to all the videos FOREVER!
- BONUS: How to use Facebook to BOOST your website's SEO
(I used this EXACT strategy to get a site to the #1 result on Google Search)
$298 - Facebook Marketing Bootcamp For Real Estate Agents

Chris Adcock - Facebook Marketing Expert
I have been teaching real estate agents and small business owners how to use Facebook to make their businesses for over 5 years. In that time I have taught hundreds or agents in the classroom, as well as consulting one-on-one crafting social media strategies. I know what works, and what doesn't! Facebook has quickly become the most important part of digital marketing today, and it has even changed quite a bit since its inception. The strategies that worked just a few years ago really don't work anymore. Given its importance, agents can't afford to ignore Facebook!

Already purchased the course? Click here for access.